ETC5523: Communicating with Data

Oral Presentations


Michael Lydeamore


16 October 2024


You can view the oral presentation schedule online here.

🎯 Objectives

  • Practice your verbal communication skills to your peers

In Week 1, your tutor will have a sign-up sheet for presentations. Please only sign up to a tutorial you can attend!

If you miss your tutorial, then you can either:

  • Pick another topic that hasn’t already been signed up for or,
  • Schedule your presentation to be performed within 7 days with the Chief Examiner. Please email the Chief Examiner to set up this time.

This assignment makes up 5% of your final grade for the unit.

Presentation format

  • Maximum time: 5 minutes
  • No slides
  • Concise and clear communication will be rewarded.


Week Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3
2 The art of rhetorics Demonstrate how to ask a good question, and why The differences between linear and transactional communication models
3 Best practices when including data in your narrative What are the elements of a good story? How to capture an audience
4 Different narrative structures for different reports Richard Mayer’s learning principles Key elements for presenting data in a presentation
5 Quarto vs RMarkdown: Key differences Writing Markdown for reports and slides Web directories and servers
6 Which statistics should you present? Key elements of a good table
7 Choices of plots for different purposes Importance of unifying visual elements in a plot Different graphics libraries for producing plots
8 How are web pages styled? Writing in HTML vs PDF vs docx Benefits of using Quarto for scientific writing
9 Basic elements of good function documentation Key roxygen elements and their purpose R Package structure
10 Why should we use a dashboard? Reactive programming and shiny Deploying web applications
11 Communicating with code: Key concepts Workflows for deploying package documentation How is code documentation part of communication?
12 How do we ensure we can find information quickly? Challenges of data governance when communicating What are our responsibilities when publishing mass communication?

Marking Rubric

Maximum grade: 5 marks

  1. No presentation, or completely incorrect information
  2. Presentation has clearly incorrect elements with little to no understanding
  3. Presentation shows limited understanding, insufficient detail provided
  4. Presentation shows some understanding, with some detail
  5. Presentation gives good accompanying details, and a strong understanding of the topic
  6. Presentation is complete and comprehensive without being verbose. Demonstrated clear understanding of the topic and has explained the details clearly.

1 mark deduced per 30 seconds over 5 minutes.