ETC5523: Communicating with Data

Tutorial 12


Michael Lydeamore


1 December 2001

🎯 Objectives

  • revise HTML/CSS, Shiny and R package development

In a group, pick one of each sets of questions. Work on your answers for 30 minutes, then pair up with another group and check each other’s knowledge.

Based on the package cloned from, answer the following questions.

Exercise 12A

  1. For the shiny app launched by cwdata::run_app(), how do you change the background color of the sidebar panel to blue?
  2. Could you create another shiny app that we can select a crop and see the latest yield by country?
  3. Could you show how to change the font size of select input label in this app?
  4. Can you add a function to launch this new shiny app from the package?
  5. Could you show how you would document this function?
  6. What does the @export and @param tag do?

Exercise 12B

  1. For the shiny app launched by cwdata::run_app(), how do you change the text color of the sidebar panel to blue?
  2. Could you create a similar shiny app that instead of showing the plot, it shows the table output instead?
  3. Suppose I want to add another data with missing values removed from cwdata::key_crop_yields called crop_yields. Can you show how to create this data and add it to the package?
  4. Can you add a function called random_year to the package that generates a single random integer from 1961 to 2018 with a custom class “year” and “numeric”?
  5. Could you add a custom print method for the class year so the print output from the function random_year has the words “Year is” before the random number?
  6. How do you change the name of the package to mydata?

Exercise 12C

  1. For the shiny app launched by cwdata::run_app(), how do you change the background color of the main panel to blue?
  2. Could you create another shiny app that when I click on a button it will show the yield across year by crop for a random country (i.e. replace country selection with an action button)?
  3. Could you show how to create a vignette for this package?
  4. Can you add a function called random_country to the package that generates a single random country (with equal chances of being selected) from the list of country available in cwdata::key_crop_yields?
  5. Could you modify the random_country so the output is passed to cowsay::say() and the resulting print is a print of cat saying the random country name? Make sure that the resulting modification will pass the package check.
  6. What does the @examples and @param tag do?

Exercise 12D

  1. For the shiny app launched by cwdata::run_app(), how do you change the color of the label on top of the drop down menu to blue?
  2. Could you create another shiny app that shows a barplot of the yield of a selected country (from the drop down menu) and at a selected year (from a slider)?
  3. Could you add a title to the shiny app with a font size of 30px?
  4. I want a function called aussie_yield in the cwdata package that returns the latest yield of a given crop in Australia with input of a crop. Can you show me how to do this?
  5. Could you show how you would create a test for this function?
  6. What does the @import and @examples tag do?

Exercise 12E

  1. For the shiny app launched by cwdata::run_app(), how do you add the title “Key Crop Yield App” to the app in a blue color with yellow background color?
  2. Could you create another shiny app that we can select a country and it shows the five number summary of the wheat yield?
  3. Could you show how to make a local documentation website for this package?
  4. Can you add a function that computes the sum of the yield of the last year for a particular country? Make sure that the resulting modification will pass the package check.
  5. Could you explain how to add dependencies in this package?
  6. Could you explain the difference between @importFrom and @import?