Lecturer: Michael Lydeamore
Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics
This is a taste of ETC4500/5450 (Advanced R Programming). We will learn the bare minimum required to get to documentation.
Documentation is vital
packageIt’s never been easier to make a package. The usethis
package can do all of the heavy lifting for us
This means we can easily make packages that might only be just “for us”
This package is for teaching demo only
will set up the directory structure we need for a package.
- R/
- .Rproj.user/
- packagename.Rproj
- .gitignore
- .Rbuildignore
Anything in the R/
folder will be loaded by the package.
If you want the user to use it, it needs to be in R
Functions go in R/
Your package could load in some data (like palmerpenguins::penguins
for example).
Exported data objects go in data
, and the code/files to produce them goes in data-raw
This will create two new folders: data
and data-raw
gives us an easy pipeline for loading and testing our package without having to install it
You can also use the default hotkey Ctrl+Shift+L
to load.
You should reload often - try to avoid manually sourcing files unless you have to!
There are three other files that are generated in a package:
: Machine generated, list of objects that are ‘exported’ (available to users) of the packageDESCRIPTION
: Contains metadata about the package which we need to completeREADME
: Top-level description of your package that people will see before they install the packageHadley gives a good template for a README:
sets up a template DESCRIPTION file:
Package: mypackage
Title: What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
person("First", "Last", , "first.last@example.com", role = c("aut", "cre"),
comment = c(ORCID = "YOUR-ORCID-ID"))
Description: What the package does (one paragraph).
License: `use_mit_license()`, `use_gpl3_license()` or friends to pick a
Encoding: UTF-8
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.3.2
You should edit this for your package.
Inevitably, you’ll want to use a function from another package. Again there’s a usethis
function for that too:
You still have to reference package namespaces using :::
or @importFrom
(more on this one later).
For example:
Comments in code are communication. There’s no need to re-state very clear code, but if you are doing anything even mildly complicated, changes are you won’t be able to understand the code quickly.
palmerpenguins::penguins |>
dplyr::select(species, bill_depth_mm, bill_length_mm, flipper_length_mm, island) |>
tidyr::pivot_longer(!c(species, island)) |>
dplyr::group_by(species, island) |>
dplyr::summarise(means = mean(value, na.rm=T)) |>
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = species, values_from = means)
Comments in code are communication. There’s no need to re-state very clear code, but if you are doing anything even mildly complicated, changes are you won’t be able to understand the code quickly.
palmerpenguins::penguins |>
dplyr::select(species, bill_depth_mm, bill_length_mm, flipper_length_mm, island) |>
# Go from wide to long, keeping species and island as keys
tidyr::pivot_longer(!c(species, island)) |>
dplyr::group_by(species, island) |>
# Means of all measurements by species and island (drop NAs)
dplyr::summarise(means = mean(value, na.rm=T)) |>
# Back to wide for with island as rows and species as columns
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = species, values_from = means)
It’s hard to put in too many comments, so feel free to use them liberally.
But, make sure you apply the principles of communication to your comments to: conciseness and clarity are key
When we don’t know how to use a function, we look up the function documentation by typing ?group_by
But where does this documentation come from?
R gives a standard way of documenting packages: you write .Rd
files in the man/
directory. These files use a custom syntax, which is very similar to LaTeX.
This separates code from comments, making it easy to forget to update a function’s documentation if you change the function. roxygen2
puts the documentation with your code, and generates .Rd
skeleton#' Histogram of Australian census data
#' Plots a histogram of the Australian census data showing the
#' country of birth of residents of Australia from the 2016
#' and 2021 census
#' @return `ggplot2` plot with the histogram geom
#' @examples
#' plot_census_data()
#' @export
plot_census_data <- function() {
censusdata |>
ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x=count, y=birth)) +
ggplot2::geom_col() +
ggplot2::labs(x="Number of residents", y="Country of birth")
fileJust writing roxygen2
doesn’t generate the man files. To get these, we have to run
If you are in RStudio, you can press ctrl+shift+d
For a function to be accessible by installing your package, you need to include the @export
Just like functions, we have to document our data. You can put this anywhere (after all, there is no function that generates our data), but the convention is in R/data.R
For our data,
#' Number of Australian residents by country of birth from the 2016 and 2021 census
#' @format ## 'censusdata'
#' A data frame with 105 rows and 4 columns
#' \describe{
#' \item{birth}{Country of birth}
#' \item{count}{Number of residents from that birth country}
#' \item{percentage}{Percentage of residents from that birth country}
#' \item{census}{Year of census (either 2016 or 2021)}
#' }
#' @source <https://www.abs.gov.au/websitedbs/censushome.nsf/home/2016>
Documentation is great to look at something specific (like a function).
What if you’ve just installed a package and would like to know how to use it?
Enter the Vignette
Vignettes are “how-to” guides to packages. Perhaps they document a specific workflow, or how to solve a specific problem.
Check out the dplyr vignettes
When you’re writing the vignette, take the position of the reader (not the developer). Your audience is someone who might have never used your package before.
This is hard - you know a lot about your package - so try some techniques to help:
Writing a vignette can also help you improve your code. If you find yourself saying “Oh this is hard to code here” then think about going back and changing the code itself.
This creates a .Rmd
file (no quarto yet) with some template options filled in
What happens when you type print(object)
in R?
This is an example of an S3 function.
We can’t cover precisely what this means here (come back in ARP for that), but we can think of this as
a different print
function is called depending on what object
looks like.
Which method is chosen is based on the class of object
A single object matching 'print.lm' was found
It was found in the following places
registered S3 method for print from namespace stats
with value
function (x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),
"\n\n", sep = "")
if (length(coef(x))) {
print.default(format(coef(x), digits = digits), print.gap = 2L,
quote = FALSE)
else cat("No coefficients\n")
<bytecode: 0x55a4a835faf0>
<environment: namespace:stats>
You might notice that class(fit)
is just a vector. We can add our own class to any object we like.
You have full control over the print method for your class, so you know exactly what the object should look like.
methods are communication too! Which of these is better?
(Intercept) bill_depth_mm
55.0673698 -0.6498356
1 2 3 5 6 7
-3.81544474 -4.26023098 -3.07032964 -5.82554341 -2.38075717 -4.60029675
8 9 10 11 12 13
-3.13059274 -9.20534608 0.05930860 -6.15518164 -6.02521453 -2.53026386
14 15 16 17 18 19
-2.69085584 -6.75583939 -6.90029675 -4.02049407 0.88422638 -8.71039541
20 21 22 23 24 25
4.90409483 -5.37537897 -5.21544474 -6.69052696 -5.10534608 -5.09019809
26 27 28 29 30 31
-7.48547763 -2.38042830 -2.93531319 -5.08042830 -2.28547763 -4.71511587
32 33 34 35 36 37
-6.10534608 -4.00029675 -1.88547763 -7.62016520 -2.15583939 -3.27065851
38 39 40 41 42 43
-0.84541186 -4.92554341 -2.85551052 -6.87032964 -2.31039541 -7.04541186
44 45 46 47 48 49
1.83439082 -7.08514876 -3.25046119 -1.62049407 -5.28547763 -7.43531319
50 51 52 53 54 55
1.00914416 -3.96528031 -2.68547763 -8.43531319 -0.39557629 -8.80534608
56 57 58 59 60 61
-1.58042830 -4.69524742 -2.25046119 -7.78009943 -5.05551052 -8.38514876
62 63 64 65 66 67
-0.05583939 -6.42016520 -2.14036252 -7.55518164 -1.77032964 -9.04003365
68 69 70 71 72 73
-1.55551052 -8.38009943 -0.66055985 -9.22049407 -3.41039541 -4.29019809
74 75 76 77 78 79
3.01452237 -8.19524742 -0.24541186 -3.25013231 -5.26055985 -8.40501721
80 81 82 83 84 85
-0.55551052 -9.29019809 -0.73026386 -6.15046119 -7.36055985 -6.20029675
86 87 88 89 90 91
-0.57570784 -6.09557629 -6.08042830 -4.29052696 -3.95046119 -7.67032964
92 93 94 95 96 97
-2.20534608 -9.95518164 -3.70534608 -7.62521453 -1.98547763 -4.88042830
98 99 100 101 102 103
-2.74541186 -11.50501721 0.15458814 -8.43531319 -1.07065851 -6.97000076
104 105 106 107 108 109
-4.27065851 -5.08042830 -3.08547763 -5.29019809 -3.87065851 -5.92016520
110 111 112 113 114 115
0.47950593 -6.24508298 3.72429216 -3.86528031 -0.19557629 -2.01577362
116 117 118 119 120 121
-0.47537897 -5.42016520 -4.44574073 -8.32016520 -1.88042830 -7.69019809
122 123 124 125 126 127
-4.50062562 -3.82016520 -1.64541186 -9.53498432 -2.12049407 -4.83026386
128 129 130 131 132 133
-1.67537897 -4.95518164 0.72967036 -4.93531319 0.50947304 -6.24541186
134 135 136 137 138 139
-5.54541186 -5.53026386 -2.59524742 -8.09524742 -1.80567496 -7.34508298
140 141 142 143 144 145
-3.73531319 -3.75518164 -3.29019809 -12.89491855 -3.32016520 -6.85013231
146 147 148 149 150 151
-3.91544474 -3.78042830 -6.51039541 -7.50029675 -5.50534608 -7.95518164
152 153 154 155 156 157
-1.54541186 -0.38954034 5.52494991 2.79531167 4.81013079 1.95524589
158 159 160 161 162 163
0.20541033 -0.17977055 1.57511434 -3.05957323 1.74009790 -5.26462256
164 165 166 167 168 169
4.39498279 -0.66462256 2.82022945 0.22022945 4.43504857 -4.29458967
170 171 172 173 174 175
4.01013079 0.55524589 3.44514723 4.42527878 -0.54475411 0.85524589
176 177 178 179 180 181
1.50003212 -3.65452390 0.84514723 -1.27472122 2.48016367 2.42527878
182 183 184 185 186 187
4.87511434 2.17511434 -3.03970478 -0.54475411 15.57983480 3.65019656
188 189 190 191 192 193
3.92494991 -3.56462256 0.57478547 -2.22960611 3.83504857 -3.46462256
194 195 196 197 198 199
4.92999924 -0.86462256 4.28016367 5.76501568 -2.43465545 -0.53465545
200 201 202 203 204 205
5.76501568 -1.52455678 0.40003212 0.76029522 2.59531167 -0.60973766
206 207 208 209 210 211
4.78016367 0.79026234 -0.05990210 -2.23465545 0.18016367 -2.44475411
212 213 214 215 216 217
5.27511434 -0.79963900 0.81518012 -0.33465545 9.43504857 -0.03970478
218 219 220 221 222 223
5.64986769 0.49026234 4.95996635 -2.33970478 5.38016367 2.38016367
224 225 226 227 228 229
1.47006501 3.27006501 1.05019656 1.08016367 3.92999924 1.66029522
230 231 232 233 234 235
6.62494991 -0.89963900 0.78993346 3.45524589 7.57006501 1.82022945
236 237 238 239 240 241
5.26501568 -1.19963900 6.97478547 -2.30973766 5.46029522 1.53032811
242 243 244 245 246 247
8.07983480 2.18016367 8.24481836 -0.14475411 4.89498279 -1.01478700
248 249 250 251 252 253
5.93504857 4.60003212 1.32022945 2.69026234 6.75491702 3.18016367
254 255 256 257 258 259
11.87983480 2.20508145 3.78016367 1.20036100 2.19498279 -3.81478700
260 261 262 263 264 265
8.60003212 -2.66967189 2.84514723 5.31013079 5.06501568 -1.68986921
266 267 268 269 270 271
7.02494991 0.29531167 10.42999924 -0.36495143 4.25996635 1.03537744
273 274 275 276 277 278
1.02527878 5.53504857 -0.24980344 5.29498279 3.06468681 7.60442371
279 280 281 282 283 284
8.70947304 2.48455526 10.49937438 1.69970325 2.85963748 8.05963748
285 286 287 288 289 290
3.21452237 9.16435793 3.09970325 9.82429216 3.17478547 8.69465392
291 292 293 294 295 296
1.94481836 8.16940726 8.22934149 14.49970325 3.41957170 5.95963748
297 298 299 300 301 302
-1.42521453 4.80475258 -1.08009943 8.13944015 3.26468681 9.27950593
303 304 305 306 307 308
7.38960459 6.77950593 2.89970325 10.72934149 -3.38009943 12.64920994
309 310 311 312 313 314
-1.71511587 8.14953881 6.71957170 3.34986769 4.42462103 10.38422638
315 316 317 318 319 320
2.61990057 11.36435793 6.60442371 2.50475258 8.24448948 1.47983480
321 322 323 324 325 326
7.46468681 7.75458814 6.66468681 6.66940726 8.58455526 5.97478547
327 328 329 330 331 332
3.68993346 8.67950593 1.87478547 8.43439082 -1.32521453 9.34953881
333 334 335 336 337 338
0.91990057 7.16435793 7.34953881 3.13944015 9.50442371 2.45491702
339 340 341 342 343 344
1.67983480 13.59937438 0.19465392 6.35963748 8.07950593 7.28455526
(Intercept) bill_depth_mm
-812.25887774 23.69748615 -2.78924194 -5.40023118 -1.81122041
-4.34139744 -2.67199792 -8.91316419 0.58446858 -5.97394169
-5.82178619 -2.29355294 -2.05475391 -6.13083166 -6.64139744
-3.62846443 1.46485734 -8.38493093 5.57347934 -5.06100868
-4.85669768 -6.27630893 -4.81316419 -4.89786394 -7.10454218
-2.03277543 -2.66531969 -4.73277543 -1.90454218 -4.57825270
-5.81316419 -3.74139744 -1.50454218 -7.45001945 -1.53083166
-2.76768692 -0.50885318 -4.50023118 -2.45238668 -6.58924194
-1.98493093 -6.70885318 2.30407983 -6.92609720 -2.88061993
-1.22846443 -4.90454218 -7.16531969 1.64524609 -3.71747519
-2.30454218 -8.16531969 0.05192433 -8.51316419 -1.23277543
-4.46963069 -1.88061993 -7.65433045 -4.65238668 -8.22609720
0.56916834 -6.25001945 -1.83708644 -7.37394169 -1.48924194
-8.95864145 -1.15238668 -8.25433045 -0.22415342 -8.82846443
-3.08493093 -4.09786394 3.39545782 -7.96963069 0.09114682
-3.10217495 -4.82415342 -8.33471920 -0.15238668 -9.09786394
-0.49355294 -5.78061993 -6.92415342 -5.94139744 -0.03945367
-5.64807567 -5.73277543 -3.87630893 -3.58061993 -7.38924194
-1.91316419 -9.77394169 -3.41316419 -7.42178619 -1.60454218
-4.53277543 -2.40885318 -11.43471920 0.49114682 -8.16531969
-0.56768692 -6.91079695 -3.76768692 -4.73277543 -2.70454218
-5.09786394 -3.36768692 -5.75001945 0.87153557 -6.13040820
4.26054633 -3.61747519 0.25192433 -1.43514266 -0.16100868
-5.25001945 -3.88729816 -8.15001945 -1.53277543 -7.49786394
-4.01984242 -3.65001945 -1.30885318 -9.48687471 -1.72846443
-4.59355294 -1.36100868 -4.77394169 1.01075806 -4.66531969
0.92369107 -5.90885318 -5.20885318 -5.29355294 -2.36963069
-7.86963069 -1.29160917 -7.23040820 -3.46531969 -3.57394169
-3.09786394 -12.89118571 -3.15001945 -6.70217495 -3.55669768
-3.43277543 -6.18493093 -7.24139744 -5.21316419 -7.77394169
-1.20885318 -0.64097398 5.61743630 2.64372578 4.78058104
1.84803678 -0.01274073 -0.27588547 1.55665879 -3.28881848
1.73273654 -5.46058522 4.46528080 -0.86058522 2.72411453
0.12411453 4.46096979 -4.51274073 3.98058104 0.44803678
3.40450329 4.29588128 -0.65196322 0.74803678 1.53704754
-3.91705173 0.80450329 -1.40411872 2.42842554 2.29588128
4.85665879 2.15665879 -3.18019647 -0.65196322 15.74998055
3.57627003 4.01743630 -3.76058522 0.77821381 -2.43666298
3.86096979 -3.66058522 4.98920305 -1.06058522 4.22842554
5.81312529 -2.60842972 -0.70842972 5.81312529 -1.76489623
0.43704754 0.61980353 2.44372578 -0.72804097 4.72842554
0.67195903 -0.06726346 -2.40842972 0.12842554 -2.55196322
5.25665879 -0.98450747 0.75234779 -0.50842972 9.46096979
-0.18019647 5.79782505 0.37195903 5.04135855 -2.48019647
5.32842554 2.32842554 1.48489204 3.28489204 0.97627003
1.02842554 3.98920305 1.51980353 6.71743630 -1.08450747
0.89351405 3.34803678 7.58489204 1.72411453 5.31312529
-1.38450747 7.17821381 -2.42804097 5.31980353 1.36764803
8.24998055 2.12842554 8.42605831 -0.25196322 4.96528080
-1.09980772 5.96096979 4.63704754 1.22411453 2.57195903
6.86959180 3.12842554 12.04998055 2.20881429 3.72842554
1.01549253 2.26528080 -3.89980772 8.63704754 -2.83235197
2.80450329 5.28058104 5.11312529 -1.71941896 7.11743630
0.14372578 10.48920305 -0.33903021 4.34135855 0.83941478
0.89588128 5.56096979 -0.32372997 5.36528080 3.33468031
8.05192433 9.12369107 2.84330232 10.98015758 1.95860256
3.16291356 8.36291356 3.59545782 9.65623533 3.35860256
10.36054633 3.37821381 8.98683581 2.12605831 8.62800208
8.73231308 14.75860256 3.76722457 6.26291356 -1.22178619
5.03036931 -0.95433045 8.57584658 3.53468031 9.67153557
7.71506907 7.17153557 3.15860256 11.23231308 -3.25433045
13.24093509 -1.57825270 8.51938007 7.06722457 3.49782505
4.73899132 10.96485734 2.74566955 11.85623533 7.05192433
2.73036931 8.64761332 1.64998055 7.73468031 8.09114682
6.93468031 7.12800208 8.94330232 6.17821381 3.79351405
9.07153557 2.07821381 8.90407983 -1.12178619 9.71938007
1.04566955 7.65623533 7.71938007 3.57584658 9.95192433
2.56959180 1.84998055 14.08015758 0.48683581 6.66291356
8.47153557 7.64330232
[1] 2
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9
42.91544 43.76023 43.37033 42.52554 41.68076 43.50030 42.33059 43.30535
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
41.94069 43.95518 43.82521 43.63026 41.29086 41.35584 43.50030 42.72049
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
41.61577 43.11040 41.09591 43.17538 42.91544 42.59053 43.30535 43.89020
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
42.78548 42.98043 43.43531 42.98043 42.78548 44.21512 43.30535 43.50030
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
42.78548 44.02017 41.35584 42.07066 43.04541 42.52554 42.65551 43.37033
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
43.11040 43.04541 42.26561 44.08515 42.85046 42.72049 42.78548 43.43531
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
41.29086 43.56528 42.78548 43.43531 42.39558 43.30535 42.98043 43.69525
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
42.85046 44.28010 42.65551 44.08515 41.35584 44.02017 43.24036 43.95518
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
43.37033 44.54003 42.65551 44.28010 42.46056 42.72049 43.11040 43.89020
74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
42.78548 43.69525 43.04541 44.15013 42.46056 44.60502 42.65551 43.89020
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
43.63026 42.85046 42.46056 43.50030 41.87571 42.39558 42.98043 42.59053
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
42.85046 43.37033 43.30535 43.95518 43.30535 43.82521 42.78548 42.98043
98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105
43.04541 44.60502 43.04541 43.43531 42.07066 44.67000 42.07066 42.98043
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113
42.78548 43.89020 42.07066 44.02017 42.72049 44.34508 41.87571 43.56528
114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
42.39558 41.61577 43.17538 44.02017 41.74574 44.02017 42.98043 43.89020
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129
42.20063 44.02017 43.04541 44.73498 42.72049 43.63026 43.17538 43.95518
130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137
43.37033 43.43531 42.59053 43.04541 43.04541 43.63026 43.69525 43.69525
138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145
42.00567 44.34508 43.43531 43.95518 43.89020 44.99492 44.02017 44.15013
146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153
42.91544 42.98043 43.11040 43.50030 43.30535 43.95518 43.04541 46.48954
154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161
44.47505 45.90469 45.18987 45.64475 46.29459 45.57977 45.12489 46.35957
162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169
45.05990 46.16462 44.60502 46.16462 45.57977 45.57977 44.86495 46.29459
170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177
45.18987 45.64475 45.25485 45.77472 45.64475 45.64475 44.79997 46.55452
178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185
45.25485 45.77472 45.31984 45.77472 45.12489 45.12489 45.83970 45.64475
186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193
44.02017 45.44980 44.47505 46.16462 43.82521 46.22961 44.86495 46.16462
194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201
44.67000 46.16462 45.31984 44.73498 46.03466 46.03466 44.73498 46.42456
202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209
44.79997 45.83970 45.90469 45.70974 45.31984 45.70974 45.05990 46.03466
210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217
45.31984 45.64475 45.12489 46.09964 45.38482 46.03466 44.86495 45.83970
218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225
44.15013 45.70974 44.54003 45.83970 45.31984 45.31984 44.92993 44.92993
226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233
45.44980 45.31984 44.67000 45.83970 44.47505 46.09964 44.41007 45.64475
234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241
44.92993 45.57977 44.73498 46.09964 43.82521 45.70974 45.83970 45.96967
242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249
44.02017 45.31984 43.95518 45.64475 44.60502 45.51479 44.86495 44.79997
250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257
45.57977 45.70974 44.34508 45.31984 44.02017 44.99492 45.31984 46.09964
258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265
44.60502 45.51479 44.79997 45.96967 45.25485 45.18987 44.73498 45.18987
266 267 268 269 270 271 273 274
44.47505 45.90469 44.67000 44.86495 44.54003 46.16462 45.77472 44.86495
275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282
45.44980 44.60502 43.43531 42.39558 42.59053 42.91544 42.20063 43.50030
283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290
43.24036 43.24036 42.78548 42.13564 43.50030 41.87571 43.82521 43.30535
291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298
43.95518 42.33059 42.07066 43.50030 42.98043 43.24036 43.82521 43.69525
299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306
44.28010 42.46056 43.43531 42.72049 43.11040 42.72049 43.50030 42.07066
307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314
44.28010 41.55079 44.21512 42.85046 42.98043 44.15013 43.17538 41.61577
315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322
44.28010 42.13564 42.39558 43.69525 42.65551 44.02017 43.43531 43.04541
323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330
43.43531 42.33059 42.91544 43.82521 44.41007 42.72049 43.82521 42.26561
331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338
43.82521 42.85046 44.28010 42.13564 42.85046 42.46056 42.39558 44.34508
339 340 341 342 343 344
44.02017 42.20063 43.30535 43.24036 42.72049 42.91544
[1] 0 1
(Intercept) bill_depth_mm
1 -18.49324201 -3.171807e+02
2 0.05407381 -3.646690e+01
3 0.05407381 2.109792e-02
5 0.05407381 5.674669e-02
6 0.05407381 9.239546e-02
7 0.05407381 1.561349e-02
8 0.05407381 6.497333e-02
9 0.05407381 2.384013e-02
10 0.05407381 8.142661e-02
11 0.05407381 -3.581997e-03
12 0.05407381 1.902429e-03
13 0.05407381 1.012907e-02
14 0.05407381 1.088487e-01
15 0.05407381 1.061065e-01
16 0.05407381 1.561349e-02
17 0.05407381 4.852005e-02
18 0.05407381 9.513767e-02
19 0.05407381 3.206677e-02
20 0.05407381 1.170754e-01
21 0.05407381 2.932456e-02
22 0.05407381 4.029341e-02
23 0.05407381 5.400448e-02
24 0.05407381 2.384013e-02
25 0.05407381 -8.397843e-04
26 0.05407381 4.577784e-02
27 0.05407381 3.755120e-02
28 0.05407381 1.835571e-02
29 0.05407381 3.755120e-02
30 0.05407381 4.577784e-02
31 0.05407381 -1.455085e-02
32 0.05407381 2.384013e-02
33 0.05407381 1.561349e-02
34 0.05407381 4.577784e-02
35 0.05407381 -6.324210e-03
36 0.05407381 1.061065e-01
37 0.05407381 7.594218e-02
38 0.05407381 3.480899e-02
39 0.05407381 5.674669e-02
40 0.05407381 5.126226e-02
41 0.05407381 2.109792e-02
42 0.05407381 3.206677e-02
43 0.05407381 3.480899e-02
44 0.05407381 6.771554e-02
45 0.05407381 -9.066424e-03
46 0.05407381 4.303562e-02
47 0.05407381 4.852005e-02
48 0.05407381 4.577784e-02
49 0.05407381 1.835571e-02
50 0.05407381 1.088487e-01
51 0.05407381 1.287128e-02
52 0.05407381 4.577784e-02
53 0.05407381 1.835571e-02
54 0.05407381 6.223112e-02
55 0.05407381 2.384013e-02
56 0.05407381 3.755120e-02
57 0.05407381 7.386855e-03
58 0.05407381 4.303562e-02
59 0.05407381 -1.729306e-02
60 0.05407381 5.126226e-02
61 0.05407381 -9.066424e-03
62 0.05407381 1.061065e-01
63 0.05407381 -6.324210e-03
64 0.05407381 2.658235e-02
65 0.05407381 -3.581997e-03
66 0.05407381 2.109792e-02
67 0.05407381 -2.826192e-02
68 0.05407381 5.126226e-02
69 0.05407381 -1.729306e-02
70 0.05407381 5.948890e-02
71 0.05407381 4.852005e-02
72 0.05407381 3.206677e-02
73 0.05407381 -8.397843e-04
74 0.05407381 4.577784e-02
75 0.05407381 7.386855e-03
76 0.05407381 3.480899e-02
77 0.05407381 -1.180864e-02
78 0.05407381 5.948890e-02
79 0.05407381 -3.100413e-02
80 0.05407381 5.126226e-02
81 0.05407381 -8.397843e-04
82 0.05407381 1.012907e-02
83 0.05407381 4.303562e-02
84 0.05407381 5.948890e-02
85 0.05407381 1.561349e-02
86 0.05407381 8.416882e-02
87 0.05407381 6.223112e-02
88 0.05407381 3.755120e-02
89 0.05407381 5.400448e-02
90 0.05407381 4.303562e-02
91 0.05407381 2.109792e-02
92 0.05407381 2.384013e-02
93 0.05407381 -3.581997e-03
94 0.05407381 2.384013e-02
95 0.05407381 1.902429e-03
96 0.05407381 4.577784e-02
97 0.05407381 3.755120e-02
98 0.05407381 3.480899e-02
99 0.05407381 -3.100413e-02
100 0.05407381 3.480899e-02
101 0.05407381 1.835571e-02
102 0.05407381 7.594218e-02
103 0.05407381 -3.374634e-02
104 0.05407381 7.594218e-02
105 0.05407381 3.755120e-02
106 0.05407381 4.577784e-02
107 0.05407381 -8.397843e-04
108 0.05407381 7.594218e-02
109 0.05407381 -6.324210e-03
110 0.05407381 4.852005e-02
111 0.05407381 -2.003528e-02
112 0.05407381 8.416882e-02
113 0.05407381 1.287128e-02
114 0.05407381 6.223112e-02
115 0.05407381 9.513767e-02
116 0.05407381 2.932456e-02
117 0.05407381 -6.324210e-03
118 0.05407381 8.965325e-02
119 0.05407381 -6.324210e-03
120 0.05407381 3.755120e-02
121 0.05407381 -8.397843e-04
122 0.05407381 7.045776e-02
123 0.05407381 -6.324210e-03
124 0.05407381 3.480899e-02
125 0.05407381 -3.648855e-02
126 0.05407381 4.852005e-02
127 0.05407381 1.012907e-02
128 0.05407381 2.932456e-02
129 0.05407381 -3.581997e-03
130 0.05407381 2.109792e-02
131 0.05407381 1.835571e-02
132 0.05407381 5.400448e-02
133 0.05407381 3.480899e-02
134 0.05407381 3.480899e-02
135 0.05407381 1.012907e-02
136 0.05407381 7.386855e-03
137 0.05407381 7.386855e-03
138 0.05407381 7.868439e-02
139 0.05407381 -2.003528e-02
140 0.05407381 1.835571e-02
141 0.05407381 -3.581997e-03
142 0.05407381 -8.397843e-04
143 0.05407381 -4.745741e-02
144 0.05407381 -6.324210e-03
145 0.05407381 -1.180864e-02
146 0.05407381 4.029341e-02
147 0.05407381 3.755120e-02
148 0.05407381 3.206677e-02
149 0.05407381 1.561349e-02
150 0.05407381 2.384013e-02
151 0.05407381 -3.581997e-03
152 0.05407381 3.480899e-02
153 0.05407381 -1.105283e-01
154 0.05407381 -2.551970e-02
155 0.05407381 -8.584839e-02
156 0.05407381 -5.568405e-02
157 0.05407381 -7.487954e-02
158 0.05407381 -1.023017e-01
159 0.05407381 -7.213732e-02
160 0.05407381 -5.294183e-02
161 0.05407381 -1.050439e-01
162 0.05407381 -5.019962e-02
163 0.05407381 -9.681724e-02
164 0.05407381 -3.100413e-02
165 0.05407381 -9.681724e-02
166 0.05407381 -7.213732e-02
167 0.05407381 -7.213732e-02
168 0.05407381 -4.197298e-02
169 0.05407381 -1.023017e-01
170 0.05407381 -5.568405e-02
171 0.05407381 -7.487954e-02
172 0.05407381 -5.842626e-02
173 0.05407381 -8.036396e-02
174 0.05407381 -7.487954e-02
175 0.05407381 -7.487954e-02
176 0.05407381 -3.923077e-02
177 0.05407381 -1.132705e-01
178 0.05407381 -5.842626e-02
179 0.05407381 -8.036396e-02
180 0.05407381 -6.116847e-02
181 0.05407381 -8.036396e-02
182 0.05407381 -5.294183e-02
183 0.05407381 -5.294183e-02
184 0.05407381 -8.310618e-02
185 0.05407381 -7.487954e-02
186 0.05407381 -6.324210e-03
187 0.05407381 -6.665290e-02
188 0.05407381 -2.551970e-02
189 0.05407381 -9.681724e-02
190 0.05407381 1.902429e-03
191 0.05407381 -9.955945e-02
192 0.05407381 -4.197298e-02
193 0.05407381 -9.681724e-02
194 0.05407381 -3.374634e-02
195 0.05407381 -9.681724e-02
196 0.05407381 -6.116847e-02
197 0.05407381 -3.648855e-02
198 0.05407381 -9.133282e-02
199 0.05407381 -9.133282e-02
200 0.05407381 -3.648855e-02
201 0.05407381 -1.077861e-01
202 0.05407381 -3.923077e-02
203 0.05407381 -8.310618e-02
204 0.05407381 -8.584839e-02
205 0.05407381 -7.762175e-02
206 0.05407381 -6.116847e-02
207 0.05407381 -7.762175e-02
208 0.05407381 -5.019962e-02
209 0.05407381 -9.133282e-02
210 0.05407381 -6.116847e-02
211 0.05407381 -7.487954e-02
212 0.05407381 -5.294183e-02
213 0.05407381 -9.407503e-02
214 0.05407381 -6.391068e-02
215 0.05407381 -9.133282e-02
216 0.05407381 -4.197298e-02
217 0.05407381 -8.310618e-02
218 0.05407381 -1.180864e-02
219 0.05407381 -7.762175e-02
220 0.05407381 -2.826192e-02
221 0.05407381 -8.310618e-02
222 0.05407381 -6.116847e-02
223 0.05407381 -6.116847e-02
224 0.05407381 -4.471519e-02
225 0.05407381 -4.471519e-02
226 0.05407381 -6.665290e-02
227 0.05407381 -6.116847e-02
228 0.05407381 -3.374634e-02
229 0.05407381 -8.310618e-02
230 0.05407381 -2.551970e-02
231 0.05407381 -9.407503e-02
232 0.05407381 -2.277749e-02
233 0.05407381 -7.487954e-02
234 0.05407381 -4.471519e-02
235 0.05407381 -7.213732e-02
236 0.05407381 -3.648855e-02
237 0.05407381 -9.407503e-02
238 0.05407381 1.902429e-03
239 0.05407381 -7.762175e-02
240 0.05407381 -8.310618e-02
241 0.05407381 -8.859060e-02
242 0.05407381 -6.324210e-03
243 0.05407381 -6.116847e-02
244 0.05407381 -3.581997e-03
245 0.05407381 -7.487954e-02
246 0.05407381 -3.100413e-02
247 0.05407381 -6.939511e-02
248 0.05407381 -4.197298e-02
249 0.05407381 -3.923077e-02
250 0.05407381 -7.213732e-02
251 0.05407381 -7.762175e-02
252 0.05407381 -2.003528e-02
253 0.05407381 -6.116847e-02
254 0.05407381 -6.324210e-03
255 0.05407381 -4.745741e-02
256 0.05407381 -6.116847e-02
257 0.05407381 -9.407503e-02
258 0.05407381 -3.100413e-02
259 0.05407381 -6.939511e-02
260 0.05407381 -3.923077e-02
261 0.05407381 -8.859060e-02
262 0.05407381 -5.842626e-02
263 0.05407381 -5.568405e-02
264 0.05407381 -3.648855e-02
265 0.05407381 -5.568405e-02
266 0.05407381 -2.551970e-02
267 0.05407381 -8.584839e-02
268 0.05407381 -3.374634e-02
269 0.05407381 -4.197298e-02
270 0.05407381 -2.826192e-02
271 0.05407381 -9.681724e-02
273 0.05407381 -8.036396e-02
274 0.05407381 -4.197298e-02
275 0.05407381 -6.665290e-02
276 0.05407381 -3.100413e-02
277 0.05407381 1.835571e-02
278 0.05407381 6.223112e-02
279 0.05407381 5.400448e-02
280 0.05407381 4.029341e-02
281 0.05407381 7.045776e-02
282 0.05407381 1.561349e-02
283 0.05407381 2.658235e-02
284 0.05407381 2.658235e-02
285 0.05407381 4.577784e-02
286 0.05407381 7.319997e-02
287 0.05407381 1.561349e-02
288 0.05407381 8.416882e-02
289 0.05407381 1.902429e-03
290 0.05407381 2.384013e-02
291 0.05407381 -3.581997e-03
292 0.05407381 6.497333e-02
293 0.05407381 7.594218e-02
294 0.05407381 1.561349e-02
295 0.05407381 3.755120e-02
296 0.05407381 2.658235e-02
297 0.05407381 1.902429e-03
298 0.05407381 7.386855e-03
299 0.05407381 -1.729306e-02
300 0.05407381 5.948890e-02
301 0.05407381 1.835571e-02
302 0.05407381 4.852005e-02
303 0.05407381 3.206677e-02
304 0.05407381 4.852005e-02
305 0.05407381 1.561349e-02
306 0.05407381 7.594218e-02
307 0.05407381 -1.729306e-02
308 0.05407381 9.787989e-02
309 0.05407381 -1.455085e-02
310 0.05407381 4.303562e-02
311 0.05407381 3.755120e-02
312 0.05407381 -1.180864e-02
313 0.05407381 2.932456e-02
314 0.05407381 9.513767e-02
315 0.05407381 -1.729306e-02
316 0.05407381 7.319997e-02
317 0.05407381 6.223112e-02
318 0.05407381 7.386855e-03
319 0.05407381 5.126226e-02
320 0.05407381 -6.324210e-03
321 0.05407381 1.835571e-02
322 0.05407381 3.480899e-02
323 0.05407381 1.835571e-02
324 0.05407381 6.497333e-02
325 0.05407381 4.029341e-02
326 0.05407381 1.902429e-03
327 0.05407381 -2.277749e-02
328 0.05407381 4.852005e-02
329 0.05407381 1.902429e-03
330 0.05407381 6.771554e-02
331 0.05407381 1.902429e-03
332 0.05407381 4.303562e-02
333 0.05407381 -1.729306e-02
334 0.05407381 7.319997e-02
335 0.05407381 4.303562e-02
336 0.05407381 5.948890e-02
337 0.05407381 6.223112e-02
338 0.05407381 -2.003528e-02
339 0.05407381 -6.324210e-03
340 0.05407381 7.045776e-02
341 0.05407381 2.384013e-02
342 0.05407381 2.658235e-02
343 0.05407381 4.852005e-02
344 0.05407381 4.029341e-02
[1] 0 1
[1] 1.054074 1.004645
[1] 1 2
[1] 1e-07
[1] 2
[1] "qr"
[1] 340
4 272
4 272
[1] "omit"
named list()
lm(formula = bill_length_mm ~ bill_depth_mm, data = palmerpenguins::penguins)
bill_length_mm ~ bill_depth_mm
list(bill_length_mm, bill_depth_mm)
bill_length_mm 0
bill_depth_mm 1
[1] "bill_depth_mm"
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 1
<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
list(bill_length_mm, bill_depth_mm)
bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm
"numeric" "numeric"
bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm
1 39.1 18.7
2 39.5 17.4
3 40.3 18.0
5 36.7 19.3
6 39.3 20.6
7 38.9 17.8
8 39.2 19.6
9 34.1 18.1
10 42.0 20.2
11 37.8 17.1
12 37.8 17.3
13 41.1 17.6
14 38.6 21.2
15 34.6 21.1
16 36.6 17.8
17 38.7 19.0
18 42.5 20.7
19 34.4 18.4
20 46.0 21.5
21 37.8 18.3
22 37.7 18.7
23 35.9 19.2
24 38.2 18.1
25 38.8 17.2
26 35.3 18.9
27 40.6 18.6
28 40.5 17.9
29 37.9 18.6
30 40.5 18.9
31 39.5 16.7
32 37.2 18.1
33 39.5 17.8
34 40.9 18.9
35 36.4 17.0
36 39.2 21.1
37 38.8 20.0
38 42.2 18.5
39 37.6 19.3
40 39.8 19.1
41 36.5 18.0
42 40.8 18.4
43 36.0 18.5
44 44.1 19.7
45 37.0 16.9
46 39.6 18.8
47 41.1 19.0
48 37.5 18.9
49 36.0 17.9
50 42.3 21.2
51 39.6 17.7
52 40.1 18.9
53 35.0 17.9
54 42.0 19.5
55 34.5 18.1
56 41.4 18.6
57 39.0 17.5
58 40.6 18.8
59 36.5 16.6
60 37.6 19.1
61 35.7 16.9
62 41.3 21.1
63 37.6 17.0
64 41.1 18.2
65 36.4 17.1
66 41.6 18.0
67 35.5 16.2
68 41.1 19.1
69 35.9 16.6
70 41.8 19.4
71 33.5 19.0
72 39.7 18.4
73 39.6 17.2
74 45.8 18.9
75 35.5 17.5
76 42.8 18.5
77 40.9 16.8
78 37.2 19.4
79 36.2 16.1
80 42.1 19.1
81 34.6 17.2
82 42.9 17.6
83 36.7 18.8
84 35.1 19.4
85 37.3 17.8
86 41.3 20.3
87 36.3 19.5
88 36.9 18.6
89 38.3 19.2
90 38.9 18.8
91 35.7 18.0
92 41.1 18.1
93 34.0 17.1
94 39.6 18.1
95 36.2 17.3
96 40.8 18.9
97 38.1 18.6
98 40.3 18.5
99 33.1 16.1
100 43.2 18.5
101 35.0 17.9
102 41.0 20.0
103 37.7 16.0
104 37.8 20.0
105 37.9 18.6
106 39.7 18.9
107 38.6 17.2
108 38.2 20.0
109 38.1 17.0
110 43.2 19.0
111 38.1 16.5
112 45.6 20.3
113 39.7 17.7
114 42.2 19.5
115 39.6 20.7
116 42.7 18.3
117 38.6 17.0
118 37.3 20.5
119 35.7 17.0
120 41.1 18.6
121 36.2 17.2
122 37.7 19.8
123 40.2 17.0
124 41.4 18.5
125 35.2 15.9
126 40.6 19.0
127 38.8 17.6
128 41.5 18.3
129 39.0 17.1
130 44.1 18.0
131 38.5 17.9
132 43.1 19.2
133 36.8 18.5
134 37.5 18.5
135 38.1 17.6
136 41.1 17.5
137 35.6 17.5
138 40.2 20.1
139 37.0 16.5
140 39.7 17.9
141 40.2 17.1
142 40.6 17.2
143 32.1 15.5
144 40.7 17.0
145 37.3 16.8
146 39.0 18.7
147 39.2 18.6
148 36.6 18.4
149 36.0 17.8
150 37.8 18.1
151 36.0 17.1
152 41.5 18.5
153 46.1 13.2
154 50.0 16.3
155 48.7 14.1
156 50.0 15.2
157 47.6 14.5
158 46.5 13.5
159 45.4 14.6
160 46.7 15.3
161 43.3 13.4
162 46.8 15.4
163 40.9 13.7
164 49.0 16.1
165 45.5 13.7
166 48.4 14.6
167 45.8 14.6
168 49.3 15.7
169 42.0 13.5
170 49.2 15.2
171 46.2 14.5
172 48.7 15.1
173 50.2 14.3
174 45.1 14.5
175 46.5 14.5
176 46.3 15.8
177 42.9 13.1
178 46.1 15.1
179 44.5 14.3
180 47.8 15.0
181 48.2 14.3
182 50.0 15.3
183 47.3 15.3
184 42.8 14.2
185 45.1 14.5
186 59.6 17.0
187 49.1 14.8
188 48.4 16.3
189 42.6 13.7
190 44.4 17.3
191 44.0 13.6
192 48.7 15.7
193 42.7 13.7
194 49.6 16.0
195 45.3 13.7
196 49.6 15.0
197 50.5 15.9
198 43.6 13.9
199 45.5 13.9
200 50.5 15.9
201 44.9 13.3
202 45.2 15.8
203 46.6 14.2
204 48.5 14.1
205 45.1 14.4
206 50.1 15.0
207 46.5 14.4
208 45.0 15.4
209 43.8 13.9
210 45.5 15.0
211 43.2 14.5
212 50.4 15.3
213 45.3 13.8
214 46.2 14.9
215 45.7 13.9
216 54.3 15.7
217 45.8 14.2
218 49.8 16.8
219 46.2 14.4
220 49.5 16.2
221 43.5 14.2
222 50.7 15.0
223 47.7 15.0
224 46.4 15.6
225 48.2 15.6
226 46.5 14.8
227 46.4 15.0
228 48.6 16.0
229 47.5 14.2
230 51.1 16.3
231 45.2 13.8
232 45.2 16.4
233 49.1 14.5
234 52.5 15.6
235 47.4 14.6
236 50.0 15.9
237 44.9 13.8
238 50.8 17.3
239 43.4 14.4
240 51.3 14.2
241 47.5 14.0
242 52.1 17.0
243 47.5 15.0
244 52.2 17.1
245 45.5 14.5
246 49.5 16.1
247 44.5 14.7
248 50.8 15.7
249 49.4 15.8
250 46.9 14.6
251 48.4 14.4
252 51.1 16.5
253 48.5 15.0
254 55.9 17.0
255 47.2 15.5
256 49.1 15.0
257 47.3 13.8
258 46.8 16.1
259 41.7 14.7
260 53.4 15.8
261 43.3 14.0
262 48.1 15.1
263 50.5 15.2
264 49.8 15.9
265 43.5 15.2
266 51.5 16.3
267 46.2 14.1
268 55.1 16.0
269 44.5 15.7
270 48.8 16.2
271 47.2 13.7
273 46.8 14.3
274 50.4 15.7
275 45.2 14.8
276 49.9 16.1
277 46.5 17.9
278 50.0 19.5
279 51.3 19.2
280 45.4 18.7
281 52.7 19.8
282 45.2 17.8
283 46.1 18.2
284 51.3 18.2
285 46.0 18.9
286 51.3 19.9
287 46.6 17.8
288 51.7 20.3
289 47.0 17.3
290 52.0 18.1
291 45.9 17.1
292 50.5 19.6
293 50.3 20.0
294 58.0 17.8
295 46.4 18.6
296 49.2 18.2
297 42.4 17.3
298 48.5 17.5
299 43.2 16.6
300 50.6 19.4
301 46.7 17.9
302 52.0 19.0
303 50.5 18.4
304 49.5 19.0
305 46.4 17.8
306 52.8 20.0
307 40.9 16.6
308 54.2 20.8
309 42.5 16.7
310 51.0 18.8
311 49.7 18.6
312 47.5 16.8
313 47.6 18.3
314 52.0 20.7
315 46.9 16.6
316 53.5 19.9
317 49.0 19.5
318 46.2 17.5
319 50.9 19.1
320 45.5 17.0
321 50.9 17.9
322 50.8 18.5
323 50.1 17.9
324 49.0 19.6
325 51.5 18.7
326 49.8 17.3
327 48.1 16.4
328 51.4 19.0
329 45.7 17.3
330 50.7 19.7
331 42.5 17.3
332 52.2 18.8
333 45.2 16.6
334 49.3 19.9
335 50.2 18.8
336 45.6 19.4
337 51.9 19.5
338 46.8 16.5
339 45.7 17.0
340 55.8 19.8
341 43.5 18.1
342 49.6 18.2
343 50.8 19.0
344 50.2 18.7
[1] "lm"
All of our communication principles apply to print
Often this will need multiple rounds of feedback (like all writing).
To include your custom print method in the package, you have to register an S3 object. This is out of scope for the unit, but if you are interested, you can read more in the R packages manual.
, devtools
, and roxygen2
.ETC5523 Week 9